Romana English


Quality of translation services

The quality of the translations provided by INTERLINGUA TRADUCERI agency is ensured by the compliance with SR EN 15038 Standard.

The SR EN 15038 Standard ensures the consistent quality of the translation services, defines basic requirements for language-service providers, creates a framework for the interaction of clients and service providers regarding their rights and obligations, and defines certain services, in addition to translation, that may be offered by translation providers.

INTERLINGUA TRADUCERI provides translation services to the highest quality standards:

– INTERLINGUA TRADUCERI team of certified translators hold diplomas of higher education, licenses, and certificates of professional competence, and a minimum of 3-year experience in the field of translation;

– Our staff is selected with the utmost seriousness and rigor;

– INTERLINGUA TRADUCERI specialists have cultural, linguistic and technical competences both in the source and target language;

– INTERLINGUA TRADUCERI translators possess and use the facilities necessary to perform top quality translations: dictionaries, encyclopedias, glossaries, DTP resources, hardware, software;

– Translated documents are edited, checked, revised in order to avoid any errors;

– Declaration of conformity demonstrates the compliance with the standard.

Resources: – Romanian Translators Association – Regional Centre Europe of the International Federation of Translators – European Commission. Directorate-General for Translation. English. Style Guide. A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission.